Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Pizza, and man sized rodents, and in-laws...oh my

When I was a kid there was this wonder of wonders...Show Biz Pizza. Everything was excellent from the jumpy balls to the mediocre pizza. And we loved it! Going to showbiz was like walking into a starry eyed child's version of heaven.

I grew up in an upper lower class household where we truly appreciated the simple things in life. We rarely had take out burgers from McDonald's or went to the movies. Going to a place like Show Biz only happened once every few years and it was something we had on our minds for days before and weeks after, much akin to Christmas. The only topper was a trip to Great America...yeah, I said it. Great America, not Six Flags.

But now...

My kids live in a lower middle class household where everything is taken for granted. Until I started staying at home, we had fast food several times a week (purely for convenience) and when they go to (cringe) Chuck E. Cheese, they expect to be back tomorrow. They refuse to eat the pizza because they want to go back to the games, only to walk out of the restaurant proclaiming how "hun-ga-ry" they are before they are strapped into their Eddie Bauer car seats.

The worst part...I'm responsible for that. Every parent wants more for their kids than they had. While I was growing up I often fantasized about all the cool things and opportunities my kids would have. I'm not saying that my childhood was void of all things cool, but the grass is always greener after all. But now as I'm booking my soon to be 2 year old's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese a few weeks from now, I wonder if I'm doing them a service or not. Is it being spoiled or just the selfish innocence of youth? We shall see.

So anyway, we went to Chuck E. Cheese on Sunday. We met Brock's family there for some pizza and Coopery good times. Adult to child ratio 7:4.

Exhausting...completely exhausting. Devin (my 7 week old) spent the day being passed around by grandma, aunt, cousin, and mom. With the exceptions of diapering and bottles, he was pretty low maintenance...did I ever tell you he was my favorite :)? Kyan (3 3/4) ran from game to game absolutely fixated on pumping those precious tokens into as many slots as possible. I'm sure he was just doing his part to keep the economy afloat. Jaxon, though...DEAR GOD! Jaxon was by far the front runner in the naughty olympics. He was climbing the ski ball, crashing birthday parties and just plain running away. He even did the patented terrible two's run-turn around-look you in the eye-smile-turn and run like a bat out of hell maneuver. He used to be so innocent...and blessedly slow. When did this transformation from baby to beast happen?

All in all, chases and retrievals aside, we all had a pretty good time. It is my opinion that they need to change their slogan though, it would be more accurate if it was "Where a dad can be a kid". Between rescue missions, Brock got his game on which was a nice change. Being that I am perpetually pregnant, I'm usually sitting on the sidelines and watching him try to muster the power of Grayskull so he can recapture the boys.

At the end of the day, there were 10 Coopers who needed a nap and one baby who was rip roaring and ready to go.

So what did I learn from this experience?

1.Don't let Kyan near the tokens. 2. Wear sneakers instead of flip flops. 3. Feed the kids before we go because they aren't going to eat the pizza anyway. 4. Keep Jaxon on a kid leash. 5. 3 kids are my limit, at least for the next 3 or 30 years.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Where to Begin...

Hello, Everyone!

I'm excited to be sharing snip-its of my crazy adventure in motherhood with a world full of people who just may know where I'm coming from...most days.

Life Before Staying Home

In a former life, a mere 2 months ago, I was a full time manager for a company that serves the day-to-day needs of adult individuals with a variety of physical and/or cognitive challenges. My job was challenging, fulfilling and different every day. There aren't many positions out there that put a smile on your face the way mine did. So why leave?

It had been my lifelong dream that should I be blessed with the privilege of motherhood, I'd be able to stay home with my children and nurture them through their growing years. Unfortunately, when the opportunity arose, and my life as a mommy began, there was no financial way for me to do it. Life changed in January of 2008 when my newspaper reporter husband was offered a position in media relations for a large scientific laboratory and his income alone was much more than our current combined salary. Still, I had been working at my company for 8 years and grew to truly love the people that I provided services for. It felt like walking away from my 2nd family. In August of '08, when that pregnancy test confirmed my suspicions, it was time to strongly consider a change. As an experienced mom, when you see those 2 little lines staring back at you again you immediately do 2 things: 1. Wipe the shock off your face and deliver the news to your husband and 2. start crunching numbers. As smoke rose from my fingertips and my husband chased my 2 older boys around it became more and more clear that by the time I paid for the childcare of 3 children, I was basically going to be working for a job title and a couple of big macs. I still couldn't commit, but around week 26 of my pregnancy, I started having complications with my pregnancy. Because of my first pregnancy, which ended in my near death, an 11 week premature son, an immeasurable loss, and the label of high risk, the doctors thought that the stress of my position wasn't good for either the baby or me. I still wrestled with the decision for a few weeks but ultimately, I felt that it was a sign that it was now or never.

So Here I Am...

So now, I'm 30, staying at home with my three sons. Kyan is a precocious 3 1/2 year old, Jaxon will be 2 in about a month and Devin just turned 6 weeks old yesterday. I expected the job to be a challenge...but nothing could have prepared me for the beautiful, awful, elating, exhausting and all too worth it roller coaster I'm riding.

In my upcoming blogs I will delve into the past, gush (and honestly, probably rant) about the present and speculate about the future. Thank you for boarding the roller coaster with me...its bound to be a bumpy ride.